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Students are assessed on entry so that they have access to a highly personalised education package which enables them to work towards a level of certification or qualification consistent with their circumstances, abilities and interests.

Maths and English are compulsory and will be delivered by qualified teaching staff. Students will work to complete functional skills in Maths and English or GCSE Maths/English depending on their age, Key Stage or ability/educational needs.

Our Curriculum: Academics


We will provide every student with the opportunity to achieve success in the following:

1.            English/literacy & Maths/Numeracy NCFE Functional Skills (entry level 1, 2, 3 depending on academic ability)

2.            Enrichment programme

All students will enrol on our enrichment programme that will incorporate an ASDAN award and is built around a carousel menu of activities.  These are designed to build student self-confidence, develop important life skills and broaden their personal horizons, from which students make guided choices. Some of these activities will take place on-site and off-site.

Below are just some of the activities that will form the enrichment programme for Key Stage 3:

  • Construction

  • Hair & Beauty

  • Vehicle Maintenance

  • Community outreach work

  • Fitness

  • Life skills

Our Curriculum: Our Philosophy


1.            English & maths GCSE (Pearson/Edexcel)  or NCFE Functional Skills (entry level 3, level 1, level 2 depending on academic ability)

2.            Vocational qualifications including:

  • Construction

  • Hairdressing

  • Plastering

  • Beauty Therapy

  • Barbering

3.            Work based learning – This will include weekly sessions on site and also work experience placements with local business. These will be tailored to ensure all students are given the opportunity to sample the following:

  • Hairdressing

  • Bricklaying

  • Roofing

  • Joinery

  • Vehicle maintenance

  • Social care

  • Beauty therapy

  • Fitness

Our Curriculum: Our Philosophy
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